Evening folks.
I woke up today smiling, and that has been happening a lot in the last few weeks. I hit a wall..HARD..stood back up..hit again..stood back up and took the final full run and broke through to the other side. Was kinda dazed for a while, but that faded and reality set in. I am 55, reasonably healthy, borderline normal. Piss me off..I yell. Ask for my help I give it. Watch my back when it needs guarding and you have a friend for life. I find that I now have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit..absolutely none. I find my religious convictions very shaken but my moral/principle compass is true north where it needs to be. I am much more focused on today than ever before. Plan ahead but live today.
I owe a lot of thank you's to some people and you know who you are. The BIG 3 are in my prayers every night..thanks guys. I still pray but not as strong or as long as I used to and there is an edge there that there was not a year ago..it may change, it may not.
I feel good, relaxed, happy. I went out and shot pool the other night for the first time in 25 years..I was soooo bad and the guy I was with is almost a pro. We both spent more time laughing at my shots than anything else. But it was good laugh, not negative. I have spent more time in bars in the past 6 weeks than I have in the past 3 years and having a ball. All kinds of bars from gay to biker. Meeting some nice people, a few total idiots and the usual collection of hangers on. Rediscovered beer in Santa Fe and continuing the tradition..I found a place that served room temperature Guinness....man I love that stuff. Going out to dinner with Bill and Sue on thursday, Chris and Ryan on tuesday, the movies on wednesday with Courtney to see something about Wild Things. Friday morning I will rest and then it's off to a few Halloween parties over the weekend.
Someplace I read that people attract what they need. Well, Gerard Butler has not called yet but he may be on a plane up here and there is no phone service in the air. However, I have met some great people in the past few weeks. Funny, smiling, happy mostly and glad to be alive and that is what I am.
I hope, no URGE you all to slow down, take a breath, and look around you. This is one crazy world we live in but you know what, what you put in you get back 3 fold..I thinks that Wiccan but not sure. Smile to yourself and others, take care of yourself and those that you love.