Maine Weather


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Taking a journey OR a blank slate for an old mind.

Things have a way of not turning out as expected, but I am sure most of you know that. Let me explain.
This is going to sound like an old country song but here goes. I recently took a trip. First vacation in about 8 years other than day trips once in a while. From Maine I headed to the southwest, New Mexico to be exact. A couple of you will think you know the reason why, your partially right but hey, get your minds out of the gutter for a minute and feel the sun on your face. It was kind of a last minute thing. It had been on my mind for a long time but could not do it because of a family situation. Physically the trip went well, better than that actually. Easy flights out with half full planes so I had the entire row to myself on both legs, Continental still gives you breakfast, good weather.
Now what happened is this primarily became a trip of the mind. I have had a lot of stuff happen in the last few years and more in the 6 months and I had not realized how much it had affected me. Through this trip I came in contact with someone almost new to me..myself. I smiled for no reason other than that I felt good. I walked all over town and that is something I have not taken time to do in many years. I bought myself stuff..pottery, a print, a new hat, a hammered tin mirror among other things with no thought other than it was for me..I wanted it, I bought it. I got things for other people but I was always first. I had this weird feeling the first couple days and it hit me like that "good ole boy" whack on the back of the head. This is how I used to feel, that's what was so weird. My only thoughts were what am I going to do today? It helps that I was in an incredible place, amazing vistas for the eye, good weather for the skin and lungs, friendly people everywhere.
I also "met" a friend I have had for 10 years or so but that's another post. He was a big part of it.
I ate like a pig and lost 10 pounds, now that's a diet I can handle.
I am going to try to ad a post here once a week. It is going to become my personal odyssey. If I bore you sorry, start your own blog. This is rants raves, rambles and recipes is it not? I am also going to try to expand on the recipe part..if you want to know how to make something ask..if you want it privately send me your email address.
I am now in a position to be able to help others. My family obligations are nil. I can take a class, take a trip, go to the movies, spend my day off reading a book. I have to figure how to meet people..this is a town of 18,000 people and its not that big, but that will happen in time. I am going to go back to the gym, lose 20 or 30 pounds, shave my head more. Spend more time walking, more time listening, more time trying to rediscover who I am. Its basically a blank slate for an old mind. I no longer have to live in Maine but prob will. Its hard at times but its home.
I get a feeling this is going to be fun, kinda scary at times but fun.
Sept 12th, 11:44 EST, Augusta Maine
Wish me luck.

1 comment:

MICK said...

Day one is always the hardest. Pack a lunch and take it with you on your journey[s]. Enjoy the ride.