I had a couple of earlier posts about Old Fort Western...well this new post is about her restoration. Maine has some harsh winters..snow, lots of snow, freezing rain, wind. All of that is very destructive to unfinished wood..so therefore it needs to be replaced on occasion with new stuff. A lot of the corner posts and "main" support posts are cedar. Around here cedar is considered scrap wood and cut down early to make way for hardwoods that are more profitable to harvest. On one of my visists to OFW I started talking to some of the construction crew about their work. One of the problems was finding old stands of cedar that were old, tall and thick and straight enough to be used. One of the people I talked to lived about half way to Albion where I own some property. I told him that there was an old stand of cedar about a half mile from the road and that they were welcome to harvest a few if they were suitable. After much time on the phone and email and going to a lawyers office to give written permission to them they cut down 4 to use on the remodel. I am contributing to a piece of local history. In some of the pictures below you can see how a lot of the old posts had rotted and some had lost more than half their circumfrence..some had rotted from age and moisture. Fortunately cedar is mostly insect resistant/repellant so that won't be a problem.