Morning folks
It seems that I have become a bit of a recluse lately. There is nothing wrong, nothing has happened, I just seem to be in hibernation for some reason. In particular I have been ignoring the computer, I sign on, check my mail and pay a couple bills then shut it off. Days at a time I just ignore this black monster on my desk.
It's spring here in Maine..temps in the 40's at night, 60's to low 70's during the day. Flowers are coming up everywhere, pot holes are being filled and frost heaves leveling off. Road crews are out in force and birds are every where. I just put new batteries in the camera and am going for a walk shortly to document some of this for you.
Personally life is good. A promotion at work...more responsibility and marginally worth it financially. I work 4 long days and 3 off..that I like. I have wanted a early to late 70's corvette and have started looking seriously for one. Took a few out for test rides but none were worth the asking price. Still looking for a Maserati TC but that is a tough one to find around here.
These pics are...Binx had a cyst removed, she's fine..thanks for asking. The other is the parking lot at work last night.
Beautiful pictures. Hope you're coming out of hibernation!
Hey Dale, glad to see you are back.
Spring has come to the southwest as well. I can tell by the Claritin and Benadryl I've used...lol.
Don't get bogged down too much, there is a whole state of Maine waiting for you to re-discover and post on here.
Take care buddy.
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