This is my first rant in a long time. The topic is, dare I say it out LOUD, is homosexuality. I don't get people trying to figure me/it out. It is such a minute part of who I am. True I have been out for a long time and been through a lot of things with "IT" but c'mon people how about if I started asking you how it felt to be hetro? Now that I have started finally started this, it's going to be a lot longer than I thought 3 minutes ago.
Yes I was married once and have a 26 yo son. Yes, my ex-wife knows and so does my son, and her extended family including the ones in Ireland. If they have a problem with it they have not made it know to either one of us. She is a little more fierce and protective than a rabid Tasmanian ask her how she feels about me...go on I dare you.
What I do "in bed" is none of your business unless I invite you into it...nuff said.
Yes, and this one has caused me more grief than being gay is I am a Republican. I pay my taxes, vote every election, it's my right to do so and also my duty.
I have never worn a dress and let me tell you I cannot imagine wearing size 14 stilettos....yikes i would be a scary drag queen.
This whole gay pride thing has me confused...are hetro's proud of being that way..well I guess a few are ....Fred Phelps for one.
I am just a guy. I like to cook and do it well. I can use/do all of the mentioned immediately following this.
A chef knife, a lawn mower, a chain saw, a crochet hook { I broke my leg when I was 6, my gram watched me, she taught me to crochet to keep me busy and mostly out of her hair}, a router and a rip saw, drive a standard, run a snow blower..ha ha he said blower, I shingled my own house, seriously suck at plumbing. My electrical skills are basic at best. I used to be able to work on cars...say back in the late 60's when they were mechanical not computer run. I also wash my own dishes, can sew on a button, hate changing diapers, own a nail gun and compressor, ride a horse and change a flat tire, have blue/gray color blindness..don't ever ask me to pick out a shirt for you. I have no fashion sense. Jeans, a tee shirt, and a corduroy/flannel/denim shirt along with a pair of boots complete my ensemble.
I don't like chick flicks, gossip and drama. I have never had a tan in my life..thank you for that white Irish skin...burn, peel, repeat. WHEN I smoked it was Pall Malls and then Marlboro Reds. I like bourbon and good tequila, not so fond of white wine, beer is good. I read constantly and rarely watch TV. I like fast care and drive then the way they we're intended. For the most part I like people with their clothes ON, not off. NOTE TO READERS..there are exceptions..Gerard Butler should never be allowed to wear a shirt and only jeans that are 3 sizes to small. I don't like crowds, have a a fear of snakes and public speaking. Don't like to fight but hurt someone I care about and your in for a world of hurt once I find you.
I listen to country/folk/metal/classical/jazz/R and B/ and a lot of "alternative" for music. Don't do rap or hiphop or top 40.
If I was allowed to get "Married" probably would not. I have been in 3 relationships in my life. 2 were really good, one was fault not his...the reality is he could never compete with a ghost. I tend to be conservative in my views on most things. I have had an amazing GAY life, I have also had a good share of the STRAIGHT life..both were okay. I fit in both worlds/don't fit in either completely.
I am sure there are thousands of that this would fit as a description so whats the big deal? In some ways it was easier to be gay 20 or 30 years ago. There was a real strength in community then..all we had was each other. Now it's to commonplace and has gotten jaded and way to much inbreeding going's really a good thing we can not reproduce. On that happy visual I am going to close..I vented and feel better. this was brought on by a new employee asking me if I was "sure" I was gay. WTF
I just put a bunch of flowers on the dining room table form my yard....does that make me gay?
Take Care of Yourselves and The Ones You Love
P.S. I jsut got this in an email and could not's bound to piss someone off., If that's you , well be glad your alive to get
Now before you go on it, blow it up and read it all.

I have to comment by leaving you a post from one of my blogs and maybe you'll know there are more people out here who get what you are saying then you probably realize:
Why The Cage Bird Sings
The cage bird sings for freedom. It sings as a disguise. It sings because if it remains silent, it will fade away and die. Many times I have tried to place myself in other people's shoes especially those people who feel as if they have to hide or cover up who they really are or conceal the lifestyle they have chosen to live because they fear the stigma and rejection attached to it. I grew up being the black sheep of the family, but even the antics of a black sheep doesn't come close to type of reaction created by someone who is homosexual. I can almost understand why some people try to lead a straight life, be something they are not and never feel comfortable enough to reveal who they really are. The inner turmoil must be devastating. Yes, I know all those who say horrific things about homosexuality. I've heard all the arguments...all the pros and cons!!! I guess my views on the subject allow me to see the person as a human being and not as some perverted demon or freak of nature.
Several years ago my mother made a strange statement to me one day. She told me that I had changed her views on homosexuals. Me? I'm did I do that? She asked me if I remembered the day I first learned that one of my female cousins was a lesbian. I thought back to that day over 30 years ago and remembered what an uproar within the family that announcement had caused. Hey, at the time I probably felt relieved because the focus wasn't on me and the gossip was centered elsewhere! Yes, I remember being told! My mother asked me if I remembered what I said to her when she told me about my cousin. I thought back, but I couldn't remember my initial reaction. My mother refreshed my memory by telling me that I informed everyone in the room that my cousin was the same person as she was the day before they all knew she was a lesbian. As far as I was concerned, nothing had changed.
My mother said my words stuck with her and she knew what I had said was true. She stopped labeling my cousin and allowed her to continue being the person we always knew her to be. That acceptance broadened in time and allowed my mother to view others with different preferences and lifestyles as being just as human as she is and it made me smile knowing the black sheep can be pretty sagely at times!
Since I'm just Out, it all seems like a lot to me. It is all new. Good new and bad new: it took a lot of energy to hide, So what do I do with it now? I'm figuring it out, knowing that there is no "answer", just experience, time, wisdom, learning needed.
Being gay is not 'all' of me. But then, I can't be divided into "parts." It is more like thread woven throughout the fabric of who I am. Maybe they are small threads, but they weave in and through many aspects of my life, being, spirit, soul.
It's not just about what I do in bed and with whom. And, it isn't anyone's business, necessarily. But many in the straight world seem to be making it their business. And that's causing me problems.
I am glad you have many skills. Those who do drag do to. Both are good skills, just different. Butch can be as much drag as queen. Is it for us, or for show, and for whom? Maybe it's just who we are.
I am disappointed that you haven't tackled the plumbing. Call me, I can help with that.
The Republican thing . . . well that may be beyond help. But we can talk. Oh, I can help with the wiring, too.
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